Keep in Touch with Latest News - Deepings Cycling & Walking Plan - Commonplace

This phase of engagement has ended.

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Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has contributed their views and ideas for the Deepings Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

There were some extremely helpful suggestions and it was clear many of you are keen to support projects improving cycling and walking routes in the Deepings and the surrounding villages.

A large proportion of participants felt some of the main travel routes are not cycle friendly and would welcome more space and better access for walkers and cyclists.

The project is now over and we are taking everyone’s views on board to complete the first draft of the Deepings Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, which will be the key to unlocking future investment in active travel for the area.

Thanks again to everyone who participated. If you have any questions about the project, please email

Posted on 20th June 2022

by Ellen Massey